Financial security for your family
Maha and Jamil want to protect their children if the worst was to happen
"Hello – my name's Maha. I'm married to Jamil, and we have two young children. We've been living in Beirut all our lives, and we love it. We're doing ok for money, but a little extra is always nice so when our youngest starts school next year I'm planning on going back to work part-time as an anaesthetist.
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Income if you are unable to work
Tala and Omar want to continue having an income if they can no longer work due to disability.
"Marhaba - I'm Tala. I'm married to my husband Omar and we've had very little to worry about in life in terms of health and finance fortunately.
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Providing for your family & business
Ramy wants to protect his business and his family
"Hello - I'm Ramy. Over the last 15 years, I've pretty much dedicated my life to building up my business. Two years ago I took out a loan for $500,000 to install some new equipment which has really increased production, so business is better than ever.
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Support during unexpected illnesses
Layla and Karim don't want to use their savings to pay for expensive treatment
"I'm Layla. I'm married to Karim and we have a six-year-old daughter. I have a fairly hectic lifestyle as both my husband and I work, and his hours are particularly long as he works for an IT firm. We've recently decided to take out health insurance, even though we're both perfectly fit at the moment.
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